Sorry for the delay, but we were on vacation on the Jersey Shore and didn't have a way to update the blog, THEN this week was crazy busy getting ready for my return to work on Monday :(
The week at the beach was AWESOME! Both of the kids love the water and love to body surf. We rode bikes, rented a surrey, climbed a lighthouse, played mini golf, ate pizza and had a relaxing time. And, Stacey caught the brass ring on the carousel!!!! And, Jay and Stacey went to the restaurant where they -in August of 1998 - decided that marriage to each other would be a good idea. Tisha's was wonderful then and now.

Mini Golf!!!!!!

The Monday after the beach we spent a VERY long day at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair. It was great. Rides, animals, food....

When we returned life got into full swing. There was school shopping, clothes shopping, football practice, horseback riding and last minute visiting with friends before the madness begins.
Janey got a full suit of show clothes and looks adorable. We decided to go to two private lessons per week for her instead of leasing a horse. This gets her way more instruction to hone her skills. Leasing will come next school year.

Jack was issued #7 at football and is loving being a Rockville bear.
Jay has restarted construction on the basement bar. Woot Woot!
Stacey has finished almost all of her summer reading. Almost.
The big push has begun in the house to get our entries ready for the annual Damascus Community Fair on September 9. Janey is submitting a cross stitch, a wooden horse model and a latch hook. Jack is submitting a fleece no-sew blanket, a model animal and a Lego car. Stacey is submitting a cross stitch and some photographs she took. Jay is just cheering for us - very quietly. Wish us luck!
Stacey's big 5K is on Saturday September 3rd. Think good thoughts for her. Please. Pretty Please. She is going to need it.
See you tomorrow for Media Monday!